Legal notice
Last updated on May 11, 2021.
1. Right of information
Owner of the web site | Genially Web, S.L. |
C.I.F. | B56019912 |
Registered address | Plaza Ramón y Cajal 4 - Floor 4, Postal Code 14003, Córdoba (Spain) |
Company information | Company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Cordoba in volume 2154, folio 51, page CO*35517, 1st inscription |
Contact | |
2. Use of the Web Site
Genially Web S.L. (hereinafter, “Genially”) is the owner of this web site as well as of the web sites and all those subdomains dependent on it (hereinafter the “Web Site”). This legal notice (hereinafter, “Legal Notice”) regulates the access, navigation and use of the Website. Anyone who uses the Website in any of the possible ways will be considered a user (hereinafter, the “User” or "Users").
The access, navigation and use of the Website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of the Legal Notice, having the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract. Its observance and compliance will be enforceable with respect to any User who accesses, uses or browses the Website. If you do not agree with the Legal Notice, do not access, browse or use the Web Site.
The Users can contact Genially through the following link or through the postal address indicated in the first paragraph of the present Legal Notice.
The Users assume their responsibility for the use of the Web Site through which they will be able to enjoy the access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, multimedia contents, information, as well as editing tools belonging to Genially (hereinafter the “Contents”).
The Users ensure to make an appropriate use of the Contents offered through the Web Site and, by way of example but not limited to, not to use them to (i) incur in illicit, illegal or contrary to the good faith and the public order activities; (ii) cause damages in the physical and logical systems of Genially's Web Site, of its suppliers or of third parties, (iii) introduce or spread in the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are susceptible to cause the above mentioned damages, (iv) try to access, use and/or manipulate the data of Genially, third party suppliers and other Users; (v) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow the access of the public through any modality of public communication, transform or modify the Contents, unless a license is granted for that purpose; (vi) delete, hide or manipulate the Contents subject to intellectual or industrial property rights and other identification data of such rights of Genially or of third parties incorporated to the Contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the Contents.
Genially will have the right to investigate and denounce any of the mentioned conducts according to the applicable legislation, as well as to collaborate with the authorities in the investigation of such actions.
Genially will be able to suspend temporarily and without prior notice, the accessibility to the Web Site for maintenance, repair, update or improvement operations. However, if the circumstances allow it, Genially will communicate to the User, with sufficient advance notice, the date foreseen for the suspension of the Services.
Genially is not responsible for the use that the Users may make of the Contents included in the Web Site.
3. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
Genially is the owner or, in turn, has the corresponding licenses on the rights of exploitation of the intellectual and industrial property of the Web Site, as well as of all the Contents offered in the same, logos, brands, graphics, designs, interfaces, texts, photographs or illustrations, or any other information or material, and the services available through the same, being forbidden their use without the consent of Genially or of their legitimate owners. Likewise, it is strictly forbidden the use of all the industrial and/or intellectual property elements of the Web Site for commercial purposes, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation. Under no circumstances, unless expressly stated to the contrary, accessing, browsing or use through the Website and/or its Contents confer on the User any rights over any distinctive signs included therein, except for the rights conferred in accordance with the licenses acquired by the Users.
All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Contents and/or services of the Website are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and under any form, all or part of the Contents included in the Website, for public or commercial purposes, without prejudice to the rights conferred to the Users by means of licenses of use.
In the event that the User sends information of any kind to Genially through any of the channels enabled for that purpose, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that he has the right to do it freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual and industrial property right, commercial secret or any other rights of third parties, and that such information is not confidential and is not harmful to third parties.
The claims that could be filed by the User in relation to possible breaches of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the Contents of the Web Site should be addressed to the following e-mail address:
4. Protection of personal data
Genially guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Users and the processing of the same according to the current legislation on personal data protection, such as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.
For more information on what personal data we collect, why and how we process such data and how we protect it, you can access and consult our Privacy Policy.
5. Liability and Warranties
Genially has adopted the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the technology, that allow the correct functioning of the Web Site, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, Genially cannot be held responsible for:
(i) the continuity and availability of the Contents and functioning of the Web Site;
(ii) the absence of errors in such Contents nor the correction of any defect that may occur;
(iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components;
(iv) the damages or prejudices caused by any person who violates Genially's security systems.
Genially does not assume any responsibility for the links to other web pages found on the Web Site, and may direct the User to other web sites over which Genially has no control whatsoever. Consequently, Users are aware that they access these links under their sole responsibility.
6. Duration and modification
The present Legal Notice will be in force indefinitely, Genially will be able to make changes on the conditions specified in it, which will be effective from the moment of its publication.
Genially will be able to delete, add or change the information contained in the Legal Notice, as well as the way in which they are located or presented. The conditions that are published at the moment the User accesses the Genially Web Site will be considered as valid.
The access and/or the use of the Genially Web Site will be understood as an acceptance by the User of the present Legal Notice and its conditions and, if applicable, the changes made to them.
7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
Unless otherwise provided by the applicable law, for any litigious matter or any question concerning the Website, its functionalities and/or its Contents, the Spanish law will be applicable, the parties expressly renounce to the jurisdiction that could correspond to them and submit the resolution of all the conflicts derived or related to the use of the Website to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Cordoba (Spain), except in case the party has the legal condition of user, being in this case competent the Courts and Tribunals corresponding to the domicile of the User.
Last update: 05/11/2021.